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AOLpress Help

Display Control

AOLpress provides several ways to focus on the files you are working on, even if your MiniWeb contains lots  of files.

To hide various file types:

  1. Choose the View Display Control menu item.
    In the Display Control window, select the types of files you want to hide. You can hold down the Shift key to select several types in a row, or the Ctrl key (the Command key on a Macintosh) to select any set of file types.
  2. Click Apply to hide the file types you selected.
  3. You can check the External files box to hide files outside your MiniWeb or the Ghost files box to hide files that are linked to but do not exist.
  4. If you want to add kinds of files to the list, type a MIME type in the field and click Add. The new type will be added above the "Anything else" type. (To see a list of MIME types, choose the Tools Preferences Extensions/MIME menu item.)

To hide or display links in the Name, Title, or MIME type view:

To find a file:

  1. If you want to find a particular file in a large MiniWeb, choose the Edit Find Page menu item.
  2. In the Find Page window, type the full name of the file you want to find. The file can be a page or any other file in the MiniWeb.
  3. Click OK. The file you named will be highlighted in the MiniWeb.

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