Umm... Teacher, the CD drive is broken...

In my Computer Applications class in 10th grade, I decided to play a prank
on my teacher. What I did was I typed a script to make the CD-ROM drive go
crazy (see here if you want to know how I did this). I clicked on the script file
and that CD-ROM drive went absolutely crazy. I then raised my hand to alert my
teacher of the "computer problem" and she was downright confused as to what was
happening. She almost called the school IT guy Mr. Burns, but I stopped her
and told her it was a prank. Luckily Mrs. Jumonville had a good sense of humor
found it funny on the condition that I didn't do it again (which I didn't... at least
not in her class anyway....)

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2007-2012 Matthew Furman


Keywords: funny stories, Matthew Furman, silly school ideas, nonsense at school, fun things to do in class