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Math Class Identity Swap

In 11th grade I was forced by the board of education requirements to take a math class.
One day we had a substitute (the gym teacher was filling in). Luckily I had advance notice
of this (my teacher announced she would be absent the previous day) so I had time to plan
my escape plan (it was tradition for me to leave the classroom and goof-off during math class
when a substitute was present). In an effort to be more creative than the old fake hall pass routine
where I would write myself a note to leave like I usually did.  I brought in a wig, old sweater, and
sunglasses (the outfit was totally ridiculous). I then came into class and sat down under
the name of William Wiggleston the Third . I made myself a special hall pass excusing
Mr. Wiggleston from class to go type a paper in the library. The substitute bought the act
and let "William" leave. I then went to the library and checked my email, and then watched a movie
from my USB flash drive.

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2007-2012 Matthew Furman